Student Resources
BTW Student Handbook
Morning Supervision
Students are assigned to a supervised area from the time they arrive in the morning until the homeroom teacher picks them up for regular class. Students should bring a book to read while waiting for their teacher. All students will report to the gymnasium daily.
Supervision is provided on the campus from 7:20 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. in designated areas. Students are not to arrive before 7:20 a.m. (excluding buses) and must be picked up by 3:15 p.m. (unless the student is remaining for a specific activity with a designated staff supervisor).
Absence From School
The attendance policies of Birmingham City Schools are strongly enforced at school.
Attendance at school is VERY IMPORTANT.
Excused Absences
Within three (3) days of an absence, the student must bring a written note from a doctor or parent/guardian explaining the reason for the absence, the date of the absence, and the signature of the parent. A note should be given to the homeroom teacher.
Students must be in class at 8:00 or be counted as tardy. Students arriving after 8:10 a.m. must report to the main office. Excused check-ins will be allowed in cases of personal illness or verifiable medical appointment. The following procedures will be followed when a student checks in late:
1. Parents must sign students in through the office.
2. Students must obtain a tardy pass that will admit them to class.
3. Students are responsible for making up any class work they miss when checking in late or out early.
A parent/guardian must sign a child in when he/she arrives late and must sign him/her out when there is an early checkout. Parents are encouraged to make medical and dental appointments for students either after school hours or on those days when school is not in session.
Tardiness, Cutting Class and Truancy
State law mandates school attendance and every student, parent or guardian is expected to be in compliance with this law. Students are responsible for reporting to all assigned classes on time and supplying a valid excuse for any absence or tardiness. Cutting class, leaving the school ground, and skipping school is a serious offense. Any student absent from an assigned class or other activity without permission may be suspended.
Students are expected to be in class at all times. Excused checkouts will be allowed in cases of personal illness/injuries or verifiable medical appointments. Students are not permitted to checkout after 2:30 p.m. Excessive checkouts before 3:00 p.m. may result in reporting incidents to the attendance department and Family Court. Other checkouts will be permitted for family emergencies with an administrator’s approval. The following procedures will be followed when a student must leave campus prior to the end of the school day:
1. Parent/Designee, Legal/Guardian must sign students out through the office at the school.
2. Students must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or parent designee (as listed on the student’s registration form).
3. Students leaving campus early must wait in the classroom until the parent/designee arrives.
There is always a possibility that you could injure yourself during the school day. If this should happen, follow these guidelines.
1. If you are injured in the classroom, hall, or restroom, report all injuries requiring medical attention to the teacher, nurse & main office.
2. If you are hurt during P.E., or Unified Art Classes, please report all incidents to the Classroom Teacher or Counselor.
Teachers are required to complete an incident report. Copies will be sent to the office and parents will be contacted.
Disruptions During the School Day
One of the goals at Booker T. Washington K-8 School is to encourage the maximum use of time in educational pursuits. Classroom instruction time should not be interrupted by calling students out of class to receive telephone messages, unless it is an emergency (illness, death in family, etc.) that is verified by an administrator. As a courtesy, please ensure that all messages are delivered to the office/teacher by 2:30.
All visitors must report to the main office where a visitor badge will be issued. Students from other schools will not be allowed to visit during the instructional day. Parents are encouraged to conference with teachers. Please call, write or email for an appointment. Teachers/Administrator conferences are held weekly. Please contact the school for an appointment.
State-owned textbooks will be issued to students. Students are expected to keep up with textbooks. Students and Parents will sign for state issued textbooks. Parents are required to pay for any lost or damaged textbooks each year.
Students at Booker T. Washington K-8 School are not permitted to drive any motorized vehicles to school. Skateboards, roller skates, bicycles and in-line skates are not permitted on campus before, during, or after school hours.
Lockers are available for the storage of books and equipment. Lockers may not be shared with other students. Please do not write on lockers, attach adhesive stickers, or otherwise deface the lockers for any reason. Each year a locker fee will be assessed.
Care of the Building and Grounds
Every student should take pride in the care of the facilities and grounds. Students should be careful that no marks are made on furniture, walls, equipment, floors, doors, or any part of the building. Paper should be disposed of in the proper containers. Students are expected to help keep the campus clean and orderly inside and outside.
Withdrawal From School
Please complete the withdrawal form in the main office. The office staff will assist you with the process. Immediately notify the school if you plan to move or transfer.
Medications Taken at School
A medication form signed by a physician, must be on file in the office when a student takes medication during the school day. This includes any aspirin or over-the-counter medication. All medicines must be labeled with the student’s name, directions for administering, and medicine identification. Medicine will be kept in a secured area and not with students. Parents may pick up blank medication forms in the office. All forms should be returned to the main office.
Lunchroom Procedures
The Child Nutrition Program is a vital part of the health program at Booker T. Washington K-8. Lunch charges are not allowed.. If a student forgets lunch money, he/she should report to the teacher. If parents cannot be reached, the student will receive a carton of milk and sandwich, crackers (peanut butter, jelly, etc.) for lunch that day.
The following rules relate to the orderly operation of the cafeteria:
1. Enter the cafeteria only during the assigned period.
2. Stay in the cafeteria during the entire assigned time.
3. Take all trays and utensils in the designated area containers.
4. Leave the table and the floor around the table clean.
5. Take no food or drink from the cafeteria.
6. Maintain a moderate conversation level.
7. Adhere to the rules of conduct established for the school.
8. Remain seated---no walking around
9. A student may be prohibited from eating in the lunchroom if inappropriate behavior is a continuous problem.
10. All lunches brought into the cafeteria should be in a brown paper bag or lunch container.
To assist in keeping our cafeteria clean, students will take turns in wiping tables and picking up in the area where his/her class was seated. All students/teachers working together will help keep the lunchroom clean for the next group of students who come to lunch.
Effective communication with parents is essential at the school. The following are procedures used at Booker T. Washington K-8 School to help parents maintain an active role in monitoring the progress of their children.
1. Each child is responsible for maintaining a record of homework assignments, test dates, due dates for projects, etc. in his/her notebook. Parents should periodically review these assignments to become familiar with their child’s homework expectations as well as to help monitor the successful completion of each assignment.
2. Progress reports are sent home at the mid-point of each nine-week grading period; report cards are issued at the end of each nine-week period.
3. PLEASE: Do not call teachers/coaches at home unless you get their permission. We respect family time for everyone.
Food at School
Unless it is an approved school activity, students are not allowed to eat food consume juice in any area of the school other than the lunchroom. NO SOFT DRINKS ARE ALLOWED (Pepsi, Coke, etc.)
No Checks Will Be Accepted for Any Event at Booker T. Washington K-8 School.
The grading system at Booker T. Washington K-8. will reflect the student’s actual performance in learning the materials presented. Report cards will be issued at the conclusion of each nine-week marking period.
The following grading system will be used:
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59-0 F
All grade levels will use the above grading system. Each teacher will communicate to students the procedures used for computing a student’s grade for a unit of instruction (% of the grade assigned to homework, test, projects). Parents are required to monitor grades and assignments of their children (Monitoring Your Child’s Grade is a Parent Responsibility).
Homework is a vital component in the academic program of learning. All students should set aside a minimum of one hour per night to do homework, study, complete projects, writing, read, etc. The actual amount of time needed for completing homework will vary based on the child’s ability to self-pace when completing of homework.
Nine Weeks Examination
Nine weeks examinations are used to assess long range learning goals. Examinations are required. They contain questions based upon the subject matter taught during the nine weeks grading period and local courses of study. Results of examinations will be counted appropriately in determining the nine weeks grade. Generally, the results will be equivalent of regular weekly or unit tests.
Special Assignments
Special assignments include projects, reports or other activities designed to extend the concepts taught during the grading period. If a student is unable to complete a special assignment because of inability to secure references materials, the assignment should be re-evaluated and another meaningful assignment should be substituted. The teacher has the discretion to count the special assignment either as a daily grade or a weekly test grade.
Make-up/incomplete Work
When a student returns to school after an absence, he/she should request the missed assignments and make up the work within three days. In unusual situations, the teacher should remain flexible. If a student has been absent for three consecutive days, his/her parents may call the school to get the student’s assignments. The call should be made to the school before 9:30 a.m. and the assignments may be picked up at 3:00 p.m. on the same day. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and turn in missed assignments within the proposed time frame to receive an adjustment in his/her grade. t In case of an emergency, the teacher should remain flexible.
Conduct Grades
The student’s conduct is determined by his/her behavior. The following standards for determining conduct grades are used school wide. All students are apprised of this information at the beginning of the school year.
A- Excellent- The student almost always demonstrates outstanding self-discipline, exhibits good judgment, and is basically self-directed. B- Good- The student demonstrates acceptable behavior with occasional infractions of expectations.
C- Fair- The student demonstrates behavior which includes more infractions requiring teacher interventions. (Parent Conference)
D- Poor- The student demonstrates behavior that includes infractions requiring frequent teacher intervention and major acts of misconduct. (Parent Conference)
F- Unsatisfactory- The student demonstrates unsatisfactory behavior that constantly requires teacher intervention. (May require a suspension)
Promotion and Retention Standards
The following standards will be used to determine promotion or retention for student in grades kindergarten through fifth.
To be promoted, an elementary school student must maintain a yearly average of 60% or above for each course, including science, social studies, language arts, reading, writing, mathematics, physical education, and unified art courses.
If a student does not meet the promotion standard, he/she will be retained at the same grade level unless the yearly average is raised through participation in a summer school course. Physical Education and unified arts will not be offered during the summer session.
Homebound Teacher
Students, who are ill or hospitalized for more than two weeks, may receive instruction from a homebound teacher. Parents should call the office or counselor for additional information.
Courtesy and Following Directions
Students must be respectful of each other and all ADULTS in the building. Rudeness, disrespect, and discourteous behavior are intolerable regardless of the particulars of the situation. A student will be considered insolent or insubordinate if he/she refuses to obey a reasonable request made by a teacher or staff member.
The teacher/staff and administrators will insure that all students are treated fairly and in a manner that recognizes the dignity of each student. (Students are expected to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct).
Classroom Discipline
Each teacher will utilize the Birmingham City Schools Code of Conduct and PBS to create a safe and orderly environment.
All students at Booker T. Washington K-8 School will participate in the Positive Behavior Support (PBS) program. PBS is a school wide initiative involving the school, parents, and community stakeholders. Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a process which helps students learn and resolve their problems by using the 3 R’s (Respect, Responsibility, and Resourcefulness).
Dress Code
Students will follow the Birmingham City Schools Dress Code and the Local School Code
Hall Pass/sign Out
Students are allowed supervised restroom breaks throughout the day. In the case of an emergency, the student must get permission from the teacher and complete a sign out sheet. If a student leaves the room for any other reason, a written pass from the teacher is necessary.
Hall Traffic
Since there are a large number of students in the hallway during class rotations, rules for hall traffic are essential for the benefit and safety of all. The basic rules are:
1. Keep to the right when moving through the halls.
2. Walk in hallways. Do not run, push, shove, or chase in the hallways.
3. Keep your hands to yourself.
4. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
5. Go directly from one class to another.
6. Do not gather in the halls. This could cause traffic jam.
7. Students should go to their locker only during designated times.
8. There will be teacher/adult supervision at all times.
Assembly Procedures
1. Teachers are to review behavioral expectations with the students prior to the assembly.
2. Each team member should have a designated supervised area during the assembly program and enforce behavioral expectations with students.
3. Each team member should designate one teacher whose responsibility will be to supervise students who may need to be removed from the assembly.
4. A person should be designated to introduce and dismiss the program in an orderly manner.
Student Performances
1. Students will master a number of essential skills and be competent in varied areas of knowledge, including: mathematics, science, communication, social studies, physical education, visual and performing arts, and technology education.
2. Students will prepare themselves for the challenges of future life, be a decision-maker, planner, and generator of knowledge.
3. Students will be independent thinkers who accept responsibility for their own learning, preparation for advance educational pursuits.
4. Students will be active users of technology.
5. Students will be personally committed to constructive values that will help them respect themselves as a good person, and help them earn the respect of others.
6. Students will demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively and collaboratively within their social, work, and educational environment.
Safety Procedures
A school - wide Crisis Management Plan has been developed and implemented throughout the school. The crisis team has various responsibilities to ensure the safety of students and communication to parents.
Fire/tornado/lockdown Drills
Every precaution is taken to insure student safety during normal school hours. Periodically fire, tornado, and lock down drills are executed to educate all students on the proper way to exit the building and adhere to all guideline and procedures.
Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, please listen to local radio and television stations for school information. It is our policy to exercise all safety plans during the time of inclement and difficult weather. During dismissal, if thunderstorm /tornado warning occurs, parents are expected to come into the building/classroom to pick up students.
Field Trips
Classes are encouraged to take field trips that supplement and reinforce the curriculum. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to allow their children to participate in theses supervised trips.
Permission slips will be sent home with the student for parent/guardians signatures. Permission to attend field trips may also be completed during registration. Students are not allowed to participate in field trips unless a parent or guardian gives written permission. Students cannot be transported in cars without Proof of Insurance and a Liability Release form completed by the parent/guardian.
Students that display inappropriate conduct and violate the rules in the Birmingham City Code of Conduct manual will not be allowed to participate in field trips unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Each student should pay all fees for field trips before the established deadline. Field trip monies cannot be accepted the morning that students are expected to leave. Checks are not accepted.
All monies collected for field trips must be turned into the office by 10:00 a. m. daily. Parents are encouraged to attend field trips with their child. Please do not bring other minor children/ siblings on field trips.
Guidance and Counseling
The counselor is available to students, parents, and teachers daily. Diagnostic testing, interpretation of test scores, individual, small and large group counseling are some of the guidance services. Students are also selected by the counselor and teachers to participate in the Student Government Association and induction into the Beta Club because of academic excellence.
Dismissal Procedures
In an effort to assist parents, students, faculty and all involved with the safety and welfare of the children at Booker T. Washington K-8 School, the following plan has been developed to outline practices and procedures to be followed at dismissal.
School is dismissed at 3:00 p.m. All students should be immediately picked up at dismissal.
All teachers and staff members are expected to escort students to their designated area during the dismal procedure. Car riders are escorted to the east side of the building on 2nd street south. Students whose rides are late will be sent to the office to call their parents. Parents are responsible for providing updated phone numbers to the office.
Walkers will exit on the west side of the building on 1st street south. Bus riders and van riders will enter and remain in the lunchroom until their bus or van arrive. These student have designated table. Parents who have made arrangement with agencies (such as Camp Fire or YMCA) are required to contact that agency if the child is absent or goes home early. This is not the responsibility of the school. Additionally, relatives and friends must be on time. If there’s a delay in picking up your child, please notify the school and teacher immediately. If an agency, relative or friend encounters a problem, they should notify the parent and the school. However, if the child is not picked up by 3:15, the school will make every effort to notify the parent or emergency contact by phone.
Please make every effort to speak with your child’s teacher in case of a late pick-up. The parent should notify the main office and teacher. Please work cooperatively and efficiently with the school to make dismissal safe. Cars have a designated area in front of the building. Buses and Vans have a designated area in the back near the lunchroom. Church and Day Care vans are responsible for providing the names of all students who are pick up at the school.
Parents are required to remain in their cars during car pool procedures. Please do not check-out students early to avoid the carpool line.
Phone / Electronic Device Return Policy
Students are allowed to possess electronic devices on campus. However, all electronic devices must be turned off during the school day. Electronic devices must not be miscible and or audible during the school day. The should be stored in a secure location (locker). At all times, possession of electronic devices is strictly forbidden in private areas, such as locker rooms, restrooms, dressing areas, classrooms, and offices. Possession of an electronic device is a privilege that may be forfeited by any student not abiding by the terms of this policy. Neither the Birmingham City Schools or its employees shall assume any responsibility for the theft, loss, transfer use or damage of any electronic device or its unauthorized use. Please refer to the Birmingham City Schools Student of Conduct Appendix VI Electronic Device Policy for further details.
Cell phones and electric devices confiscated from students violating the Birmingham City School districts electronic device policy located in the Code of Student Conduct under the Appendix III, will be returned and signed out only to the legal guardian of the owner of the cell phone (device) on Thursdays at 3:15p.m. If the administrator that confiscated the device is not present on this day, the next date for distribution will be the following Thursday.
Employees of Birmingham City Schools are not in any way responsible for the repair or replacement of any electronic device a student may bring to school. A student’s possession, use, transfer of any electronic device during the school day or any other school event, it is at their own risk.
Please read appendix III, code 1.12, 2.23, 2.18, 3.17, for clarificatio